Findings from previous studies indicated patients with mental illness feel pharmacists do not provide appropriate care. In addition, many patients with mental illness report not having a strong relationship with their pharmacist. The objective of this study was to determine the level of social distance of student pharmacists toward patients with mental illness. Student pharmacists completed an anonymous survey. Data were collected using the Bogardus Social Distance Scale (SDS). Level and correlates of social distancing were examined. Incomplete surveys were excluded, resulting in 334 completed surveys. A total of 276 students (83%) had an SDS score ≥14, indicating social distancing. There was no statistical difference noted in social distancing between students and year of training (P = .482). The greatest social distancing was in relation to trusting someone with mental illness to “care for their child,” where less than 1 in 5 students (17%) were willing to do this. Most students (88%) were willing to work or be neighbors with someone with mental illness, indicating less social distancing in these domains. Regression analysis indicated a significant change in sum score with knowing someone or having a first-degree relative with mental illness. Results indicate social distancing is prominent among pharmacy students. Results may be used in the future to help identify solutions for improving social distancing and increasing pharmacy student interaction to patients with mental illness. Further training related to mental illness may assist with decreasing social distancing among pharmacy students.Abstract
While often unintentional, stigma associated with mental health remains prevalent among health care professionals and is implicated in treatment disparities between patients with and without mental disorders. Pharmacists and pharmacy students have also been previously described as prone to discomfort interacting with this population. The purpose of this study was to evaluate stigma, student involvement in mental health activities, and student interest in psychiatric pharmacy. An anonymous, voluntary online survey was open to all student chapters in a mental health–focused professional organization. Sixty-five students from 19 chapters participated in the survey after consent was obtained. Stigma and social distance survey items were adapted from previously validated instruments. Descriptive statistics were used and correlations were investigated using Spearman rank correlation. Results indicated that students had overall low stigma but more negative views related to disclosure of one's own illness or to more personal interactions. Level of involvement was unrelated to level of stigma, and perceived impact by nonleadership activities was associated with lower stigma (P = .016). Shadowing pharmacists and community service were frequently reported as most influential on student perceptions of mental health (23% and 26%, respectively). Students involved in a mental health–focused organization had overall positive perceptions toward mental illness. Student engagement in specific opportunities at any level may be more influential than total number of activities participated in. Students have a strong interest in pursuing extracurricular activities in mental health and perceive interactions with patient contact as the most influential on their attitudes.Abstract
Previous studies have found ineffectiveness of psychiatric clinical rotations to change pharmacy students' attitudes toward mental illness, but those studies had various limitations that cast doubt on this conclusion. Pharmacy students who participated in a psychiatric clinical rotation over a 2-year time frame were invited to complete a survey at the beginning and end of their rotation. The survey included scales that measured attitudes toward dangerousness, social distance, stigmatization, suicide prevention, and provision of pharmaceutical care. Forty-one (100%) students participated in the study. Statistically significant positive changes in total scale scores from pre-rotation to post-rotation were seen in the areas of stigmatization toward patients with schizophrenia (P = .02), attitudes toward suicide prevention (P = .05), and provision of pharmaceutical care services to patients with schizophrenia (P < .00001) and depression (P = .0006). There were no statistically significant changes on the total scores of the other scales, but there was a moderate improvement in stigmatization toward patients with depression. Pharmacy students' participation in a psychiatric clinical rotation failed to have a major impact on their social distance from mentally ill patients. Findings were mixed in regards to stigmatization of mentally ill patients. However, pharmacy students' attitudes toward suicide prevention and providing pharmaceutical care services to mentally ill patients were significantly improved by participation in a psychiatric clinical rotation. Preceptors in the clinical setting should consider including educational techniques that address pharmacy students' attitudes toward mental illness, as improvement in such attitudes may further enhance their willingness to provide pharmaceutical care services.Abstract
Providing clinicians with an easy to grasp and understandable representation of pharmacology is important to allow optimal clinical decisions to be made. Two of the most clinically relevant dimensions are receptor binding affinity and functional activity. The binding affinity for an agonist is described by the dissociation constant (KA), and an antagonist by the inhibition constant (Ki). Functionally, medications can act as superagonists, agonists, partial agonists, antagonists, partial inverse agonists, or inverse agonists at several receptor sites, transporters, or ion channels. Comprehending the differences between agents is complicated by the number and types of binding sites. Binding and functional data are obtained from primary literature, product labels, human cloned receptor binding, and other sources. Binding affinities are converted into ratios relative to the putative primary receptor for that category of agent. Antipsychotic binding is referenced to dopamine type 2 long (D2L) receptor binding. Binding affinity ratios (BARs) generate a 6-spoked diagram, with D2L as the hub. The most avidly bound sites are the spokes, and the disk diameter represents the BAR. Where functional data are available, they are shown as a pie chart shading the binding site's disk. Binding and function diagrams are shown for the antipsychotics where binding data are available and are compared to previous methods of pharmacologic comparisons of antipsychotics. Use of graphic models of psychotropic pharmacology improves clinician comprehension and may serve as an aid to improve rational therapeutics and patient outcomes.Abstract
Brexpiprazole is an atypical antipsychotic that works as a partial agonist at serotonin 5-hydroxytryptamine1A and dopamine D2 receptors and an antagonist at serotonin 5-hydroxytryptamine2A. It has US Food and Drug Administration approval for monotherapy treatment of schizophrenia and adjunctive treatment to antidepressants for major depressive disorder. Two phase-3 clinical trials demonstrated efficacy and relatively fair tolerability with regard to adverse effects for each indication. Akathisia was frequently reported in the major depressive disorder trials but less so in the schizophrenia trials. Significant increases in body weight and triglycerides were seen across all studies. Brexpiprazole appears to be a viable option for treating an acute exacerbation of schizophrenia requiring hospitalization or adjunctive treatment of major depressive disorder in patients who showed an inadequate response to 1 to 3 antidepressants. Further clinical trials are warranted to determine the long-term efficacy of brexpiprazole, and comparison trials would be beneficial to establish its place in therapy.Abstract
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease state that affects and disables many people each year. The most common clinical presentation is relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS). In the past 7 years, new medications have been approved for the treatment of RRMS, thereby providing more treatment options for patients and providers. The purpose of this article is to provide an update on medications for the treatment of MS that have been approved since January 2010. A review was performed utilizing CenterWatch to search for medications approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of RRMS between January 2010 and April 2017. The package inserts of medications indicated for RRMS were analyzed, and key points were summarized. PubMed and EBSCOhost were utilized to identify articles relevant to RRMS background and treatment. Seven medications with varying mechanisms of action have been approved to treat RRMS since 2010. Pharmacotherapy options include oral and injectable formulations. Efficacy across the agents is comparable, and each agent has safety data from clinical trials. The safety profile varies between oral and injectable agents, but potential adverse effects are important to consider before initiation. Therapeutic selection is based on patient preference, dosing (frequency and route), and safety considerations. Multiple therapeutic options are available for the treatment of RRMS. Health care practitioners should be cognizant of the adverse effects, dosing route, and frequency in order to optimally tailor therapy to meet individual patient needs.Abstract
Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are severe and debilitating psychiatric disorders. Despite the availability of numerous antipsychotic drugs, many patients still experience poor outcomes and treatment-limiting adverse side effects. Cariprazine is a novel antipsychotic with unique pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties. It is both a dopamine type 2 and dopamine type 3 partial agonist with 2 equipotent metabolites, desmethyl cariprazine and didesmethyl cariprazine, of which didesmethyl cariprazine has a half-life of 1 to 3 weeks. The objective of this article is to review the literature regarding efficacy and tolerability of cariprazine in the management of psychiatric disorders to determine its current place in therapy.Abstract
Pimavanserin (Nuplazid™) is an atypical antipsychotic currently indicated for the treatment of hallucinations and delusions associated with Parkinson disease psychosis. The antipsychotic effects of this new agent are believed to occur via selective inverse agonist activity at serotonin 5-HT2a receptors. Study authors completed a literature review of 2 published randomized controlled trials of pimavanserin for the treatment of Parkinson disease psychosis. The Food and Drug Administration Briefing Document by the Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee for the review of pimavanserin dated March 29, 2016, was reviewed for additional information on 2 unpublished trials. Pimavanserin has demonstrated no worsening of motor symptoms of Parkinson disease, but only 1 of 4 trials has shown consistent statistically significant improvements in psychotic symptoms compared with placebo. Options for the treatment of Parkinson disease psychosis are limited. The selective receptor profile of pimavanserin offers advantages for tolerability. Further studies are warranted to better provide clinicians and patients with information regarding the clinical utility of this agent.Abstract