Open Access and Copyright Policies

The Mental Health Clinician (MHC) has an open access policy that provides unrestricted access to all of its articles via this website. The open access license benefits contributors by providing a broader audience, and it benefits readers by making citations easier since others can also view the original article. By searching for PubMed Central for open access content, you can see that over 5,500,000 open access articles have already been archived in PMC.

All MHC articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License

Reprint Policy

  • For industry professionals: We recommend that you adhere to the draft FDA guidance, “Communications From Firms to Health Care Providers Regarding Scientific Information on Unapproved Uses of Approved/Cleared Medical Products Questions and Answers”. 

  • For other publications: Given the creative commons copyright policy identified, MHC articles may be reprinted in other non-commercial journals. Articles must be attributed to MHC, including a web address of the article, and must not be used directly for profit. As a courtesy, please notify the MHC editorial board of your plans.

  • For personal and other non-commercial uses: The open access model is intended for these uses. Articles must be attributed to MHC, including a web address of the article, and must not be used directly for profit.

  • For commercial uses: Please contact the MHC editorial board using the Other Feedback form to request additional reprint permissions. Identify which article(s) you would like to use and describe how they would be used.