Characterized by acute alterations in cognition or consciousness, delirium is a transient neuropsychiatric syndrome that develops in a large percentage of hospitalized patients. Delirium is a robust predictor of increased morbidity, mortality, and health care costs, especially when diagnosed in the critical care setting. Although the exact pathogenesis behind delirium has yet to be defined, disturbances in the sleep-wake cycle are a core feature. Currently, no pharmacologic interventions are recommended for delirium prophylaxis. Due to the role of melatonin in regulating the sleep-wake cycle, its use in delirium has been investigated in recent years. Objective data has shown altered serum levels of melatonin and its precursor, tryptophan, in patients with delirium, further suggesting a correlation between melatonin and delirium. This article examines the available evidence and discusses considerations surrounding melatonin supplementation for the prevention of hospital-associated delirium.Abstract
Anxiety disorders are some of the most common psychiatric disorders, with potentially debilitating consequences on individual function. Existing pharmacotherapies for anxiety disorders are limited by delay to therapeutic effect, dependence, tolerance, withdrawal, and abuse potential. Therefore, safe and evidence-based complementary or alternative therapies may be important allies in the care of patients with anxiety disorders. Essential oils are lipophilic and concentrated botanical extracts that exhibit many properties of drugs, although they are not Food and Drug Administration approved and have limitations characteristic of herbal preparations. Lavender essential oil has an extensive anecdotal history of anxiolytic benefit that has recently been supported by clinical efficacy studies. The 2 primary terpenoid constituents of lavender essential oil, linalool and linalyl acetate, may produce an anxiolytic effect in combination via inhibition of voltage-gated calcium channels, reduction of 5HT1A receptor activity, and increased parasympathetic tone. The objectives of this article are to provide a brief overview of lavender oil in aromatherapy, explore variability in the constituents of lavender oil, summarize its pharmacology and safety profile, as well as describe its body of research that has been conducted for anxiety.Abstract
Limited treatment information is available when patients present with psychotic symptoms secondary to synthetic cannabinoid (SC) use. Symptoms associated with use are often indistinguishable from those encountered with a primary mental illness and also include aggression, confusion, and anxiety. For these patients, clinicians rely on physical presentation, symptom(s) onset, and episode duration when evaluating patients. An adult man was involuntarily admitted to inpatient status secondary to reports of bizarre behaviors that included paranoia and psychomotor agitation. Because of the severity of the symptoms, he was unable to participate in the admission assessment. On day 2, he reported having smoked a substance provided by a friend. In addition, he admitted to previous SC use on 3 occasions, with each occasion resulting in an involuntary admission to inpatient status. The course of this admission was unremarkable. A brief overview of psychiatric signs and symptoms of SC use and information to help clinicians are included. The presentation of psychotic symptoms secondary to SC may be consistent with those of psychosis or other substances of abuse. Because of the variability in the symptoms produced by SC use, clinicians are encouraged to consider SC use in the diagnostic evaluation.Abstract
Patient History:
The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is gaining popularity in the Western world. Among the general public, CAM is often perceived to be associated with less stigma, fewer adverse effects, and may be more affordable. A number of patients utilize CAM for the treatment of depression; however, as there is limited scientific evidence, the safety profile of these supplements are largely unknown. In this case, a 42-year-old man developed hypomania approximately 1 week after S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) and 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) therapy was initiated for depression. The combination of SAMe and 5-HTP can potentially induce hypomanic episodes.Abstract
Despite the growing visibility of transgender individuals in the mainstream media, this population still encounters discrimination as well as many barriers to receiving appropriate care. Of note, not all medical providers are familiar with gender-affirming hormone treatment for transgender patients. Gender-affirming hormone treatment is used in transgender patients to reduce characteristics of their natal sex and induce those of their desired sex. Pharmacists have a potential role to make a positive impact by providing information regarding gender-affirming hormone treatment. This article aims to give an overview of the medications used in gender-affirming hormone treatment, the desired effects caused by these medications, the expected timeline to achieving these effects, and to provide information as to where these treatment guidelines can be found.Abstract
Doctor of pharmacy programs across the country strive to prepare culturally competent pharmacy professionals who are trained to provide compassionate and evidence-based care to a variety of patients. Within the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education 2016 Standards and Key Elements for the Doctor of Pharmacy Degree, pharmacy schools are charged with the task of developing professionals who can identify and diminish health care disparities. Transgender persons represent one of the most underrepresented and underserved communities within the modern health care system, yet very little information is available for training future pharmacists to care for the transgender community. A literature search using the MeSH terms transgender persons or trans-sexualism and pharmacy education was conducted, and it revealed 1 article published by Parkhill and colleagues in the American Journal of Pharmacy Education. A Google® search of the phrase “transgender education in pharmacy school” was conducted and produced 1 additional published article as well as an online transgender education program launched in November 2016. The following commentary outlines the current literature and practices that involve integration of transgender health education into pharmacy schools in North America and a discussion on areas for future study.Abstract
Gender dysphoria is defined as a marked incongruence between one's natal gender and gender identity that causes significant distress. It may be present in children but often fades prior to puberty. Gender dysphoria is more likely to persist into adulthood when present in adolescents. Due to the common occurrence of psychiatric comorbidities, gender dysphoria is a contributing factor leading to outpatient and inpatient psychiatric care in children and adolescents. There is currently limited available literature on psychiatric hospitalization and management in transgender adolescents. A PubMed search revealed no case reports regarding psychiatric admission for transgender adolescents with comorbid anxiety, depression, or suicidal ideation. Due to the lack of literature related to psychiatric management of transgender adolescent patients, this case series briefly describes the past medical history, pharmacotherapy, and discharge diagnoses of 5 transgender adolescents admitted to an inpatient psychiatry unit. In this case series, 4 of the 5 patients identified as female to male and ages ranged from 13 to 17 years. All patients had a history of depressive symptoms with suicidal ideation as the key factor prompting admission. All patients were managed on psychotropic pharmacotherapy, and 3 of the 5 patients were on pharmacotherapy related to gender transition. Anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation were common comorbidities leading to psychiatric hospitalization of adolescent transgender patients in various stages of gender transitioning in this case series.Abstract
Transgender patients often experience health disparities, including higher rates of psychiatric comorbidity, tobacco and substance use disorders, higher suicide risk, and reduced access and initiation of medical and mental health services. In 2011, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care system released a directive outlining the provision of transgender health care services. Since 2011, the number of transgender veterans seeking services has increased. To address these health care disparities and ensure competent comprehensive medical and mental health care for this population, an interprofessional team collaborated to develop the first formalized Transgender Healthcare Clinic at the VA Loma Linda Medical Center. The team consisted of an endocrinologist, primary care provider, clinical pharmacist, psychologist, and social worker. Each member of the team plays a key role in the management of mental and medical health care for transgender veterans. After implementation of the Transgender Healthcare Clinic and its respective model for appointments, access to gender transition–related health care has improved and expanded. Although the role of the clinical pharmacist is well established in this clinic, the addition of a psychiatric pharmacist to the transgender health care team could improve patient care through the integration of an expert understanding of behavioral and pharmacologic aspects facing transgender individuals. The psychiatric pharmacist is trained with the unique skill set required to address these concerns and facilitate the optimal management of co-occurring mental illnesses commonly seen in this patient population. Further research focusing on the integration of psychiatric pharmacists into transgender health care teams is needed.Abstract