Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are associated with higher mental and physical illness and substance use disorders in adulthood. However, little is known about the prevalence of ACEs among student pharmacists and the factors associated with exposure. Our objective was to determine the prevalence of ACEs, resilience, and maladaptive coping strategies among student pharmacists in California. Student pharmacists from 14 California pharmacy schools completed a 24-item online survey in 2020. This survey instrument comprised the ACEs questionnaire and collected data on the students’ demographic characteristics, coping strategies, and resilience. Most respondents were Asian/Pacific Islander (n = 186, 61.0%), female (n = 216, 70.8%), and aged between 25 and 31 years (n = 154, 50.7%). Many (n = 137, 44.9%) students had more than 1 ACE exposure; 66 students (21.6%) had more than 3 ACEs. Many students indicated that they were diagnosed or suspected to be diagnosed with a mental health condition (n = 105, 34.4%) and agreed/strongly agreed that they struggled to manage the workload of pharmacy school (n = 119, 39.9%). Respondents with higher ACE scores (> 3) were more likely to report struggling with managing the workload of pharmacy school, have or suspect having a mental health condition, drink alcohol in the last 12 months, and/or have multiple sexual partners than students with lower ACE scores. More than 1 in 5 student pharmacists in this study were exposed to more than 3 ACEs. The student pharmacists’ ACE exposure was associated with higher likelihood of mental health conditions and high-risk health behaviors. Further studies are needed to investigate this topic among student pharmacists.Abstract
Depression rates in children/adolescents in the United States have increased in the last 10 years. Fluoxetine and escitalopram are the only 2 antidepressants approved for the treatment of major depression disorder (MDD) in children/adolescents. In adults, some antipsychotics are approved for augmented treatment of MDD. However, there is limited research on antipsychotic augmentation in child/adolescent MDD. This retrospective chart review evaluated antipsychotic prescribing for MDD in hospitalized patients aged 4 to 17 years to determine the frequency of prescribing antipsychotics for MDD and what factors influence the addition of an antipsychotic. For inclusion, patients were diagnosed with MDD and not on an antidepressant or antipsychotic before admission. Binomial logistic regression was used to analyze variables with prescribed antipsychotics as the dependent variable. There were 6.8% of patients prescribed an antipsychotic. Binomial logistic regression analysis found that increased age (odds ratio [OR] 1.28; 95% CI = 1.045, 1.568; P = .017) and multiple admissions within 1 year (OR 3.277; 95% CI = 2.283, 4.705; P < .001) were associated with the use of antipsychotics in patients with MDD. Posttraumatic stress disorder and disruptive mood dysregulation disorder were also associated with the use of antipsychotics. Careful consideration should be taken when using off-label antipsychotics in children due to limited studies on efficacy. Future research is warranted to assess the efficacy and safety of these agents in children and adolescents.Abstract
The Psychotropic Drug Safety Initiative (PDSI) is a national Veterans Affairs program that recommends obtaining cardiovascular vital signs semiannually and urine toxicology screening annually for veterans prescribed stimulants. The PDSI also recommends a risk review of concurrent central nervous system (CNS) depressants to ensure the benefits of coadministration with stimulants outweigh the risks. This project’s purpose was to evaluate the occurrence of coprescriptions for CNS depressants and stimulants and encourage compliance with the PDSI recommendations to increase safe and appropriate management of veterans prescribed the combination. This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of coprescriptions for CNS depressants and stimulants, evaluate compliance with stimulant monitoring recommendations, and measure the proportion of pharmacist recommendations implemented by the prescriber. This quality improvement project identified veterans with an outpatient prescription for a stimulant and any coprescription(s) for benzodiazepines, sedative-hypnotics, and/or opioids. A pharmacy intervention note was generated to request a risk review, provide recommendations for de-escalation, and notify the stimulant prescriber of overdue monitoring parameters. Impact was measured 60 days after intervention. Descriptive statistics and a McNemar test were used to compare preintervention and postintervention data. From the 61 patients included, there were 67 unique prescriptions for benzodiazepines (49.3%), sedative-hypnotics (34.3%), and opioids (16.4%) in combination with a stimulant. Pharmacist intervention resulted in de-escalation of coprescribing for 9 patients (16.1%) and was associated with statistically significant improvement in compliance to stimulant monitoring recommendations. Clinical pharmacists can assist in ensuring safe and appropriate monitoring and management of veterans prescribed stimulants.Abstract
Serotonin syndrome and neuroleptic malignant syndrome are caused by 2 distinct pathologies; however, the clinical presentation associated with both syndromes share many features. We describe a 56-year-old male patient who presented to our facility with seizures, leukocytosis, fevers, extremity hyperreflexia, and signs of autonomic dysfunction as evidenced by cardiovascular instability. The patient was noted to be taking vortioxetine, trazodone, lamotrigine, lurasidone, and carbidopa-levodopa as outpatient medications for his depression, an unspecified mood disorder, and Parkinson disease. Following a robust workup and failure of other therapies, all serotonergic and dopaminergic medications were held, and the patient was tried on cyproheptadine for serotonin syndrome, which led to the cessation of fevers. Bromocriptine was added to the regimen, which led to the resolution of the remainder of the patient’s symptoms. The overlapping symptomatology of several key diagnostic criteria for both serotonin syndrome and neuroleptic malignant syndrome as well as their nature as diagnoses of exclusion require an evaluation of the patient’s aggregate improvement following targeted pharmacologic strategies for both syndromes. The efficacy of both cyproheptadine and bromocriptine when administered concomitantly support the concurrent pathologies. Clinicians at the bedside must be cognizant of the potential for clinically relevant drug-drug interactions that may present with overlapping pathologies.Abstract
Hyperammonemia is a well-known adverse effect of valproate that can progress to a potentially fatal condition known as valproate-induced hyperammonemic encephalopathy (VHE). VHE is more common when valproate is used in combination therapy with other antiepileptic medications. A growing number of case reports have pointed to a possible interaction with the antipsychotic risperidone leading to an increased risk of VHE. We present a case of VHE in which a 20-year-old male patient with bipolar affective disorder developed VHE when on concomitant valproate, risperidone, and paliperidone palmitate. On the seventh day of treatment with oral risperidone, oral divalproex sodium was added. Intramuscular paliperidone palmitate was initiated on day 13, and oral risperidone was discontinued after the second loading dose on day 16. The following day, the patient displayed worsening psychomotor retardation, swaying gait, drowsiness, and vomiting. The patient was found to have hyperammonemia and transferred to the emergency department for treatment of suspected VHE.Abstract
Pharmacists focusing on psychotropic medication management and practicing across a wide variety of healthcare settings have significantly improved patient-level outcomes. The Systematic Literature Review Committee of the American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists was tasked with compiling a comprehensive database of primary literature highlighting the impact of psychiatric pharmacists on patient-level outcomes. A systematic search of literature published from January 1, 1961, to December 31, 2022, was conducted using PubMed and search terms based on a prior American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists literature review. Publications describing patient-level outcome results associated with pharmacist provision of care in psychiatric/neurologic settings and/or in relation to psychotropic medications were included. The search excluded articles for which there was no pharmacist intervention, no psychiatric disorder treatment, no clinical outcomes, no original research, no access to full text, and/or no English-language version. A total of 4270 articles were reviewed via PubMed, with 4072 articles excluded based on title, abstract, and/or full text in the initial pass and 208 articles selected for inclusion. A secondary full-text review excluded 11 additional articles, and 5 excluded articles were ultimately included based on a secondary review, for a final total of 202 articles meeting the inclusion criteria. A comprehensive database of these articles was compiled, including details on their study designs and outcomes. The articles included in the final database had a wide range of heterogeneity. While the overall impact of psychiatric pharmacists was positive, the study variability highlights the need for future publications to have more consistent, standardized outcomes with stronger study designs.Abstract
Since 2017, Fulton State Hospital (FSH) has implemented a clozapine-induced constipation protocol. In March 2020, FSH initiated unit quarantines to minimize the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of these quarantines on medical referrals for constipation, the Bristol Stool Chart ratings, utilization of as-needed (PRN) laxatives, and adherence rates with scheduled constipation medication regimens. Patients on the clozapine-induced constipation protocol from May 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020, were included, with 10-month pre- and mid-quarantine implementation. Data collected included patient demographics, primary psychiatric diagnosis, and outcome variables. Descriptive statistics and paired t-tests were performed. A total of 31 patients were included. Most were male (93.5%), with a median age of 40 years. The most common primary diagnosis was schizophrenia. Compared with the pre-quarantine implementation period, there were fewer medical referral contacts per person, less use of PRN laxatives, and slightly lower adherence rates to scheduled constipation medication regimens during the mid-quarantine implementation period. Compared with the pre-quarantine implementation period, there were fewer medical referrals per person during the mid-quarantine implementation period.Abstract
Mental health–related stigma is a barrier to treatment and recovery for serious mental illnesses (SMIs). Educational training programs demonstrate positive changes in health professional students’ attitudes and stigma toward SMI; however, student pharmacists have minimal opportunity to directly engage with the SMI population. This study aims to assess and compare student pharmacists’ stigma related to SMI before and after participating in a pilot series of direct-contact workshop experiences. The 15-item Opening Minds Scale for Healthcare Providers survey was administered to student pharmacists before and after the workshop experiences to measure stigma toward SMI. Five 2-hour workshops were provided to members of a local nonprofit organization serving people with SMI by student pharmacist volunteers detailing a health and wellness topic. The postworkshop survey included free text responses to obtain student feedback. Twenty-four complete preworkshop surveys were obtained, and most of them had positive attitudes and beliefs at baseline. Thirteen postworkshop surveys were obtained from student pharmacists who participated in a workshop event, and 9 were completed by student pharmacists who did not participate in a workshop event, which were used as a comparator group. Stigma decreased after participating in a workshop event, and those who participated demonstrated a lower degree of stigma versus the comparator group. Direct-contact experiences allow student pharmacists to interact with people with SMI earlier in their training and help reduce stigma toward those with psychiatric disorders. Future research is needed to identify large-scale changes in pharmacy student stigma.Abstract