Numerous strategies exist following antipsychotic monotherapy failure including transition to another antipsychotic, dosing above FDA recommendations, or dual antipsychotic therapy. This study described antipsychotic prescribing practices on an acute psychiatry unit following antipsychotic monotherapy failure and compared outcomes to determine if any strategy resulted in superior short-term outcomes. This retrospective chart review assessed postintervention time to discharge for patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder requiring therapy change following treatment failure. Secondary outcomes included 30-day readmission rate, length of stay, and discharge chlorpromazine equivalents. There were no differences in number of past antipsychotic trials between groups (4.8 vs 4.5; P = .73). Of all the patients, 73% (n = 30) discharged on alternative antipsychotic monotherapy while 27% (n = 11) discharged on dual antipsychotic therapy. No patients had doses increased above FDA recommendations. The alternative antipsychotic group had shorter mean postintervention time to discharge (8.8 vs 20.6 days; P = .003) and shorter mean length of stay (16.7 vs 32.1 days; P = .03). Median time to discharge was not statistically significant (6.4 vs 14.0 days; P = .17). The dual antipsychotic group had higher mean chlorpromazine equivalents (723 mg vs 356 mg; P = .002). There was no difference in 30-day readmission rates (16.7% vs 27.3%; χ2 = 0.5765; P = .45). This study found that following failure of antipsychotic monotherapy, transition to an alternative antipsychotic was associated with decreased mean time to discharge as compared to dual antipsychotic therapy. Further studies are needed to assess long-term clinical implications of these findings.Abstract
Comparison of clozapine doses and tolerability in patients with and without concurrent valproic acid
Valproic acid (VPA) and its various formulations can be given in conjunction with clozapine for seizure prophylaxis or for augmentation in schizophrenia. There is conflicting literature on how VPA affects clozapine metabolism and the incidence of clozapine-related side effects. The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of VPA when given concurrently with clozapine to patients on clozapine monotherapy. A retrospective medical record review was completed to identify patients admitted to the inpatient psychiatry unit at an academic medical center with an order for clozapine with and without concurrent VPA from August 7, 2010 to August 7, 2020. The primary outcome was the difference in clozapine doses in patients on clozapine as monotherapy versus dual therapy with VPA. Secondary outcomes include the difference in incidence of adverse effects in monotherapy versus dual therapy, as well as clozapine and norclozapine concentrations in both treatment groups. During the study period, 73 patients were included in the monotherapy group and 35 patients were included in the dual therapy group. The average clozapine dose in the dual therapy group was 250 mg (95% CI = 194.7, 305.4) which was significantly higher than the average monotherapy dose of 175.9 mg (95% CI = 134.0, 208.7; P = .016). However, there was no significant difference in the average clozapine concentration between the dual therapy group (392.5 ng/mL; 95% CI = 252.8, 532.2) and monotherapy group (365.9 ng/mL; 95% CI = 260.5, 471.3; P = .756). There were higher rates of tachycardia (45.7% vs 17.8%; P = .002), sedation (51.4% vs 8.2%; P < .001), and constipation (42.8% vs 9.5%; P < .001) in the dual therapy group compared to the monotherapy group, respectively. Patients on concurrent clozapine and VPA received higher doses of clozapine and experienced a higher incidence of tachycardia, sedation, and constipation.Abstract
Brexanolone demonstrates short-term efficacy for the treatment of postpartum depression (PPD). Postpartum depression is linked to infanticide and maternal suicide, and current treatment often fails to adequately control depressive symptoms. The purpose of this analysis is to further understand the experience(s) of women who have received brexanolone for the treatment of PPD. Semistructured interviews modeled after the theory of planned behavior (TPB) were conducted to assess women's perceptions of treatment for PPD with brexanolone. Women who received treatment with brexanolone at this inpatient facility were eligible to participate in this study. The TPB is often used to predict intention to perform health-related behaviors. Semistructured interviews were recorded and transcribed, and thematic analysis was conducted to identify common ideas across all interviews. Follow-up assessment of depressive and anxious symptoms was also conducted using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7), respectively. Five of the 10 women who received treatment with brexanolone at this facility were interviewed, and common themes related to the TPB were analyzed. Attitudes toward brexanolone were favorable, and having a strong support system was a motivating factor in receiving treatment for PPD. Insurance approval, need for childcare, and poor understanding of symptoms of PPD were barriers to receiving treatment with brexanolone. Symptoms of depression and anxiety were rated as low at the time of the follow-up interview as measured by the PHQ-9 (mean 1.6, range 1 to 3) and GAD-7 (mean 2.8, range 2 to 4), respectively. Brexanolone rapidly and sustainably reduced symptoms of PPD and was well-received by patients. Despite significant barriers to use, women who received treatment with brexanolone advocated for its availability as well as increased awareness of PPD.Abstract
To describe the publication rates and characteristics of PGY2 psychiatric pharmacy residency projects presented as a poster presentation at the annual meetings of the College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists (CPNP) from 2002 to 2018. (As of 2022 the organization is under the name, American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists.) CPNP abstracts from even years were strategically searched in PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, and Google Scholar. If a publication was identified, additional data were collected for characterization, including study information, journal information, author information, institutional affiliation, publication year, and time to publication. A total of 348 abstracts were evaluated. Publication in a journal was achieved for 60 projects (17.2%), with publication rates decreasing from 2012 to 2018. The mean time to publication was 17.3 months after completion of the residency, with most projects published at 8 months. More than half (51.7%) of these projects were published in a psychiatric pharmacy journal affiliated with CPNP. Study designs were predominantly retrospective, observational, cohort studies with a focus on evaluation of a drug therapy outcome. The PGY2 resident was the first author in 90% of the publications. Forty percent included other health care professionals outside of pharmacy as a coauthor. PGY2 residencies affiliated with academic institutions had overall higher publications rates. Publication rates for PGY2 psychiatric pharmacy residency projects are low and are decreasing over time despite an increasing number of PGY2 psychiatric pharmacy residency programs. This publication rate is lower than that reported in the literature for PGY2 critical care residency programs. The downward trend of publication rates for PGY2 psychiatric pharmacy residency projects is concerning.Abstract
The availability of nonapproved psychoactive substances with addiction potential from internet sources poses a significant threat to public health. Polysubstance abuse or inadvertent contamination of preparations may result in clinically challenging intoxication and withdrawal syndromes. We report a case of a 32-year-old male with an approximate 2-year history of taking internet-obtained etizolam and tianeptine who presented to the hospital following an overdose. He experienced subsequent withdrawal symptoms consistent with benzodiazepine and opioid withdrawal. Initial attempts at managing symptoms with chlordiazepoxide 25 mg every 6 hours did not relieve his symptoms. On day 3 of admission, addiction medicine was consulted and his regimen was changed to diazepam 80 mg daily with additional as-needed diazepam based on etizolam equivalence. He also received a 5-day methadone taper with plans to transition to buprenorphine in the outpatient setting. Upon discharge he was referred to an addiction medicine specialist who was willing to continue a slow diazepam taper and initiate medications for opioid use disorder to manage both substance use disorders. This case report demonstrates the effectiveness of diazepam in managing benzodiazepine withdrawal from etizolam while concurrently using methadone to manage opioid withdrawal symptoms from tianeptine in a hospitalized patient following overdose. We highlight the importance of a warm handoff in considering the outpatient discharge plan.Abstract
Case Report
Dear Editor: We read with great interest the case report1 on identifying olanzapine-induced liver injury in the setting of acute hepatitis C. We wanted to bring to the attention of the Mental Health Clinician readers our similar case report entitled “Olanzapine-induced elevated liver function tests in an older person with antidepressant-induced mania”, who similarly experienced significant liver function test (LFT) elevation thought to be related to olanzapine that was published in The Senior Care Pharmacist in September 2022.2 Although an increase in LFTs is a known adverse effect of antipsychotics including olanzapine, this