Patients who are transgender have unique population-specific needs and risk factors. Nationwide surveys of health profession school administrators indicate a gap in coverage of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender health content in their curricula. To address this gap, a pharmacist-developed transgender–health care focused seminar was presented to medical professionals, trainees, and students accompanied by a novel education assessment scale. The seminar was presented by a psychiatric pharmacy resident to health care professionals and trainees in various settings. Subjects covered during the seminar included terminology, diagnostic criteria and prevalence of gender dysphoria, nonhormonal treatment, gender-affirming hormone therapy, and other considerations. The Trans* Health Education Evaluation Scale (THEES) was developed to assess participants' self-perceived proficiency regarding care of patients who are transgender immediately before and after attending a seminar. Total scale scores were compared preseminar and postseminar using a repeated-measures t-test, and sign tests with Bonferroni correction were used for individual scale items. Psychometric properties of this scale were examined. Five seminars were given, and a total of 100 scales were completed by health care–associated workers and students. The majority of participants were in the pharmacy or medical professions. Attending 1 seminar significantly improved THEES total and individual item scores (P < .001). Additionally, 90% of participants felt the seminar was directly applicable to their practice, and 84% felt more confident in providing care to patients who are transgender. A single, pharmacist-led, trans health–focused education session significantly improved the confidence level and self-perceived proficiency of health care–associated personnel as measured by THEES.Abstract
Despite the paucity of studies evaluating short-acting parenteral second-generation antipsychotics in the medically ill, their use in this population has increased. The purpose of this study was to characterize the use of IM olanzapine and ziprasidone in the medically ill at an academic medical center. This is a retrospective medical record review of all patients who received IM olanzapine or ziprasidone on nonpsychiatric inpatient units at a large academic medical center from August 1, 2015 to July 31, 2017. The primary endpoint characterized the indication for use. Secondary endpoints included safety, effectiveness, and prescribing patterns. After exclusion criteria, a total of 100 patients were included in this study, predominantly white males with a mean age of 56 years. Seventy-four percent of patients received IM ziprasidone and 26% received IM olanzapine. The most common indications for use were agitation of nonpsychotic origin (40%) and delirium (33%). Patients received IM olanzapine and ziprasidone when their use was contraindicated (26.9% vs 9.5%, respectively). Intramuscular second-generation antipsychotics are increasingly being used in the medically ill for delirium and agitation. Our study confirms these were the most common indications for IM second-generation antipsychotic use in this population. Additionally, their use appeared to be well-tolerated, and no patient developed Torsades de Pointes even when combined with other agents that putatively increase QTc. Given the retrospective, single-center, nonrandomized design of this study, the safety and effectiveness of these parenteral second-generation antipsychotics in common causes of acute agitation should continue to be further evaluated.Abstract
Dosing recommendations for paliperidone long-acting injectable antipsychotic (LAIA) do not include oral antipsychotic (OAP) overlap; however, OAPs are often given concurrently despite limited evidence describing both the risks and benefits of this practice. A retrospective chart review was conducted in patients initiated on paliperidone palmitate (PP) during a psychiatric hospitalization to compare patients who received OAP overlap versus those who did not. The primary outcome is the proportion of patients who receive prescription claims for benztropine, a medication commonly prescribed for extrapyramidal symptoms, at the time of LAIA discontinuation and 6 months postdischarge. Secondary outcomes include prescription claims for beta blockers and diphenhydramine, number of psychiatric emergency visits and hospitalizations, length of stay of the index hospitalization, frequency of LAIA discontinuation and the time to LAIA discontinuation. There is a significant difference in the proportion of benztropine prescription claims in the OAP overlap group versus the no-overlap group at the time of LAIA discontinuation (30% vs 0%, P = .046) but not at 6 months postdischarge. There are also significant differences in the number of psychiatric emergency visits (0.7 vs 0.1, P = .02) and psychiatric hospitalizations (0.6 vs 0.1, P = .029) at the time of LAIA discontinuation. No other differences are observed in defined secondary outcomes. Patients who receive OAP overlap while receiving PP receive more benztropine and have more psychiatric emergency visits and hospitalizations than those treated without OAP. Larger studies with better control for confounding variables are needed to confirm these results.Abstract
The divalproex (DVP) package insert states that rifampin may increase the oral clearance of valproate by 40% and that valproic acid derivative dose adjustments may be required when starting or stopping rifampin. However, the overall clinical significance of this drug-drug interaction remains unclear given that limited clinical outcome data has been published. This case describes a 52-year-old female with bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and PTSD who was previously stable on a medication regimen consisting of DVP delayed-release 500 mg every morning and 1500 mg every evening (baseline steady-state trough 99.8 mcg/mL). Throughout rifampin therapy for latent tuberculosis treatment, she required an increase in both the frequency of DVP administration, from 2 to 3 times daily, and DVP dose by 75% to maintain clinical stability. Valproic acid trough concentrations ranged from 56.4 to 75.9 mcg/mL during the 4-month course of rifampin. This report supports that the DVP-rifampin interaction may be clinically significant and of a greater magnitude than suggested by the package insert.Abstract
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) may be considered for treatment of severe, treatment-resistant, and emergent depression associated with MDD or bipolar disorder. Patients with epilepsy usually take medications that raise the seizure threshold, which poses challenges during ECT. We report a 66-year-old male with epilepsy taking levetiracetam extended-release (XR), lorazepam, and zonisamide requiring ECT for severe MDD. After literature review, the XR form of levetiracetam was changed to higher doses of the immediate-release (IR) formulation, and zonisamide was discontinued 2 days prior to ECT in the hospital and was resumed when the patient underwent outpatient continuation ECT. The patient was treated to remission after receiving 8 acute bilateral ECT treatments before being transitioned to continuation ECT. We provide a brief review of medication management of antiepileptic drugs and other medications that increase the seizure threshold during ECT. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case describing the management of levetiracetam, lorazepam, and zonisamide concomitantly during ECT. Our case suggests that utilizing the IR formulation of levetiracetam, administering the evening dose early the day prior to the procedure, and temporarily discontinuing zonisamide prior to bilateral ECT is effective for the treatment of severe MDD while maintaining seizure prophylaxis.Abstract
Lithium is a mood-stabilizing medication approved by the FDA for the treatment of acute manic or mixed episodes of bipolar disorder as well as maintenance treatment. Lithium citrate is an oral solution, and the carbonate salt is available as oral capsules or extended-release tablets. A patient with a psychiatric history of PTSD and schizoaffective disorder–bipolar type, maintained on lithium and olanzapine prior to admission, was admitted to an inpatient psychiatric unit due to destabilization, paranoia, and mania. He was started on lithium citrate, administered with apple juice, while admitted due to nonadherence. An initial serum lithium concentration was found to be undetectable. Lithium was then administered with an alternative non–apple juice liquid, at which point serum lithium concentration became detectable and patient clinically improved. Lithium concentrations may be impacted by a number of causes, such as underlying medical conditions, drug interactions, and diet. As the majority of these factors remained stable during the patient's admission and the serum lithium concentration became detectable after switching from apple juice to an alternative non–apple juice liquid, it led to the identification of a possible incompatibility.Abstract
To describe a case of a patient who developed psychosis after ingestion of Vertigoheel for treatment of dizziness. A 28-year-old male with no psychiatric history presented with 5 days of worsening depression and psychosis. He denied current use of prescription medications, alcohol, or illicit substances. Approximately 2 weeks prior, while visiting family in Germany, he developed dizziness. A provider in Germany prescribed Vertigoheel, 1 tablet to be taken every hour until symptom improvement. This did not improve his dizziness but did cause him to feel as if he were “in a dream.” He stopped taking the medication after 2 days but continued to feel amotivated with decreased appetite and insomnia. Several days later, he developed ego-dystonic auditory hallucinations. He returned to the United States; was admitted to an inpatient psychiatric unit for 4 days; and given olanzapine 5 mg at bedtime, lorazepam 1 mg every evening, and melatonin 6 mg every evening. He experienced gradual improvement in symptoms and was discharged with olanzapine 5 mg daily and outpatient follow-up. Vertigoheel is a homeopathic preparation containing ambra grisea, Cocculus indicus, Conium maculatum, and petroleum. Psychosis was not reported in any of the randomized controlled trials evaluating the use of Vertigoheel for treatment of vertigo. A literature search revealed no published reports of psychosis as a result of administration of any components of Vertigoheel. A possible causal relationship was observed between the homeopathic supplement Vertigoheel and an acute episode of psychosis in a young male patient with no comorbidities.Abstract
Case Summary
Physician-pharmacist collaborative practice models (PPCPM) decrease barriers and increase access to medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) but are not routine in practice. The purpose of this quality improvement initiative is to develop and implement a PPCPM for management of patients on MOUD with buprenorphine/naloxone to minimize provider burden, expand access to treatment, and enhance overall patient care. A PPCPM for management of patients on MOUD with buprenorphine/naloxone was piloted in an outpatient substance use disorder clinic. Approximately 4 hours per week were dedicated to physician-pharmacist collaborative medical appointments for a 5-month trial period. The pharmacist met with the patient first and then staffed the case with the collaborating psychiatrist. Descriptive data from PPCPM appointments was collected and compared to data from psychiatrist-only appointments. Twenty-five patients were seen over 44 appointments with an estimated 33 hours of psychiatrist time saved. Average initial and end buprenorphine doses, urine drug screen (UDS) results, and mental health (MH) medication interventions were similar between patients seen in PPCPM appointments compared with those seen in psychiatrist-only appointments. Collection of UDS, identification and management of MOUD adherence issues, other service referrals, and medication reconciliation intervention were more frequent in PPCPM appointments. Implementation of a PPCPM allowed for provision of a similar level of care regarding MOUD and MH-related medication management while saving psychiatrist time. Other enhancements to patient care provided through pharmacist intervention included more frequent identification and management of MOUD adherence issues, referral for other services, and medication reconciliation interventions.Abstract