—Human pregnancy data is sufficient to demonstrate risk to the embryo/fetus is very low or nonexistent; animal reproduction data are not relevant.
No (limited) human data-Probably compatible
—Human pregnancy data may or may not exist, but characteristics of the drug suggest there is not significant risk to the embryo/fetus; animal reproduction data are not relevant.
Compatible if maternal benefit>>embryo/fetal risk
—Human pregnancy data may or may not exist, but the potential maternal benefit outweighs the known or unknown embryo/fetal risk; animal reproduction data are not relevant.
Human data suggest low risk
—Limited human pregnancy data suggests that the drug does not represent a significant risk of developmental toxicity at any time in pregnancy; limited human pregnancy data outweighs animal reproduction data.
Animal data suggest low risk
—Either no human pregnancy data or few human pregnancy exposures have not been associated with developmental toxicity and the drug does not cause developmental toxicity in all animal species studied at ≤10 times the human dose based on body surface area (BSA) or AUC.
Animal data suggest moderate risk
—Either no human pregnancy data or few human pregnancy exposures have not been associated with developmental toxicity but the drug causes developmental toxicity in one animal species studied at ≤10 times the human dose based on BSA or AUC.
Animal data suggest risk
--Either no human pregnancy data or few human pregnancy exposures have not been associated with developmental toxicity but the drug causes developmental toxicity in two animal species studied at ≤10 times the human dose based on BSA or AUC.
Animal data suggest high risk
--Either no human pregnancy experience or few human pregnancy exposures have not been associated with developmental toxicity but the drug causes developmental toxicity in three or more animal species studied at ≤10 times the human dose based on BSA or AUC.
Contraindicated—1st trimester
—Human exposures in the 1st trimester, either to the drug itself or similar drugs, have been associated with developmental toxicity; the drug should be avoided.
Contraindicated—2nd/3rd trimesters
—Human exposures in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, either to the drug itself or similar drugs, have been associated with developmental toxicity; the drug should be avoided.
—Human exposures at any time during pregnancy, either to the drug itself or similar drugs, have been associated with developmental toxicity. Animal reproduction data, if available, confirm the risk and the drug should not be used in pregnancy.
Human data suggest risk in 1st/3rdtrimester
-- Evidence for the drug or similar drugs suggests there may be fetal risk for developmental toxicity in the 1st and 3rd trimester or close to delivery but not in the 2nd trimester.
Human data suggest risk in the 2nd/3rdtrimester
-- Evidence for the drug or similar drugs suggests there may be fetal risk for developmental toxicity in the 2nd and 3rd trimester or close to delivery but not in the 1st trimester.
Human data suggest risk in 3rdtrimester
—Evidence for the drug or similar drugs suggests there may be fetal risk for developmental toxicity in the 3rd trimester or close to delivery but not in the 1st and 2nd trimesters.
Human (and animal) data suggest risk
—Human data for the drug or similar drugs suggest there may be risk for developmental toxicity throughout pregnancy. Use in pregnancy should be avoided unless the maternal condition requires the drug.