Editorial Type:
Article Category: Research Article
Online Publication Date: Jul 01, 2013


Pharm.D., BCPP
Page Range: 37 – 37
DOI: 10.9740/mhc.n161181
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As a clinical faculty, it's only fitting that my term as CPNP president officially starts on July 1st, “Summertime”, the time for transition of residents in hospitals and clinics. It's a high energy time with longer days and sometimes “heated” therapeutic debates or discussions on policies and procedures.

It is no different for CPNP, summertime is our season for planning, brainstorming and renewal. Committees are setting a course for productivity and CPNP leadership is immersed in strategic planning. Strategic planning work groups are meeting to brainstorm ideas on how to increase membership value, improve member communication, realize synergy with other organizations, and improve the quality of care for our patients. These discussions will culminate at a strategic planning meeting in the Fall where decisions will be made on resource allocation to address strategies for accomplishing CPNP's professional goals and objectives.

No matter the season, CPNP benefits from all of those who have planted the seeds and built the foundation that has built the strong association we all benefit from. I am grateful to our most recent past presidents, Rex Lott and Jerry McKee for their leadership on hot topics such as provider status, Comprehensive Medication Management, and specialty board certification requirements. Thanks to outgoing board members Jerry McKee, Megan Ehret and Gary Levin for their invaluable contributions and welcome to Ray Love and Chris Thomas as they begin their two-year term on the board as of July 1.

As president, I will work with staff and committee leaders to keep up the momentum that we have generated and look toward working with other associations such as AACP to enhance pharmacy school education in psychiatry and neurology and ASHP in an effort to further improve training opportunities for PGY-1 and PGY-2 residents in psychiatry. CPNP has the products and services that can assist ambulatory care and community pharmacy residencies with basic training in psychiatry and neurology.

CPNP is my “home-base” organization because it affords me the opportunity to learn from like-minded colleagues from across the country and feel the camaraderie gained from sharing struggles, accomplishments, and working toward common goals. I appreciate the devotion that CPNP members have to improving the minds and lives of the patients we serve through networking and organizational involvement. CPNP is successful because of engaged volunteers like you; keep it up! I look forward to a productive year of listening to the membership, working toward common goals and setting the course for our future with a new strategic plan!

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