Editorial Type:
Article Category: Research Article
Online Publication Date: Oct 01, 2012

Tis the season of endorsements

Pharm.D., BCPP
Page Range: 100 – 100
DOI: 10.9740/mhc.n118742
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The political season is in full swing. Candidates are endorsing platforms, groups and newspapers are endorsing candidates, and candidates are endorsing each other. Exciting stuff. Again, this all makes me think about what's happening with our organization. Also exciting stuff.

CPNP has made a significant commitment to the Government Affairs front. As you know, CPNP contracted with a Government Affairs Consultant, Carey Potter, earlier this year. The CPNP Board of Directors asked Carey to focus on 3 issues: 1) pharmacists receiving payment for services, 2) including pharmacists as a requirement for Primary Care Medical Homes, and 3) implementing pharmacist-conducted comprehensive medication reviews for all new patients and at least annually for Medicare D plans. Carey and our Legislative Committee, chaired by Carla Cobb, have been working diligently together on these issues. In addition, the CPNP Foundation has begun planning for a Psychiatric Pharmacy Practice Summit meeting that will involve key stakeholders and will begin the process of crystallizing a picture of psychiatric pharmacy practice (a more complete description can be found at cpnpfoundation.org).

A common thread through all of this activity is the recognition that there is need for a clear identification of an effective practice model for psychiatric pharmacists. In April of this year, CPNP issued a Position Paper, “Psychiatric Pharmacist Integration into the Medical Home Model”. In that document, the Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) comprehensive medication management (CMM) practice model was supported. CPNP has also issued the Psychiatric Pharmacy Manifesto which also supports the tenets of CMM. We have also hosted Linda Strand at 2 annual meetings where she educated us regarding CMM as a practice model.

At the September Meeting of the CPNP Board of Directors, Carey and the leadership of the Legislative Committee presented several recommendations regarding the direction that our government affairs efforts should take. After much discussion, the Board unanimously approved the following actions:

To officially endorse CMM to our membership as a practice model for psychiatric pharmacy.

To support the following activities as a legislative direction:

  1. Educate CPNP membership about CMM. (In the near future, a webinar discussing CMM and how it differs from MTM will be produced for our members).

  2. Partner with other organizations to promote CMM.

  3. Collaborate with CPNPF to host a CMM Summit Meeting in early 2013.

  4. Develop key contacts to assist with state legislative efforts.

  5. Introduce model legislation in 1 or 2 states in 2014 session.

These are crucial times for our profession. Your Board of Directors is excited about this decision, and we believe that this first step of identifying a consistent practice model will be very important in achieving the provider recognition and reimbursement we all seek.

On another front, our Nominations Committee will very soon be recommending a slate of candidates for elected CPNP leadership. Thanks to all of you who submitted nominations. Please be sure to take the opportunity to vote in the upcoming election for CPNP officers. Your vote is one of the many ways you have an important voice in CPNP.

I wish everyone a beautiful autumn season. Until next month.

Rex Lott

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