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The Mental Health Clinician (MHC) continues to be a valuable resource for psychiatric practitioners and researchers with nearly 1 million article views in 2022. MHC is now indexed in PubMed, Scopus, and DOAJ which reflects the quality of our authors, reviewers, and editorial board. The editorial board is very appreciative of everyone who submitted a manuscript or authored a peer review in 2022 and would like to acknowledge those whose contributions have been exceptionally significant.

MHC Editors' Choice Award

The MHC Editors' Choice Award for Outstanding Articles identifies those manuscripts that received a great deal of attention in 2022. The winners were chosen from articles published in the last 4 years (2019-2022) by the number of article views through PubMed. The editorial board commends these winners for such significant contributions to the psychopharmacology literature!

MHC Editors' Choice Award Winners

Ansara E. Management of treatment-resistant generalized anxiety disorder. Ment Health Clin [Internet]. 2020;10(6):326-334. DOI: 10.9740/mhc.2020.11.326.

Finegan A, Mabrouk U, Nelson, LA. Gabapentin-induced bilateral lower extremity edema in patient with pervasive developmental disorder and schizoaffective disorder. Ment Health Clin [Internet]. 2020;10(4):250-253. DOI: 10.9740/mhc.2020.07.250.

Laskey C, Opitz B. Tinnitus associated with benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome: A case report and literature review. Ment Health Clin [Internet]. 2020;10(3):100-3. DOI: 10.9740/mhc.2020.05.100.

Outstanding and Trusted Peer Reviewers

Each MHC manuscript undergoes review by at least 3 peers and the quality of MHC's articles is directly related to its base of excellent peer reviewers. Being a peer reviewer is an often-under-recognized service that requires significant uncompensated time and effort. For someone to be invited again and again as a peer reviewer, their reviews must consistently be timely and of high quality. We wish to recognize our most reliable peer reviewers with the designations of Outstanding Peer Reviewer and Trusted Peer Reviewer, for those having completed at least 20 and 10 reviews since January 1, 2015, respectively.

A heartfelt thank you to all of our peer reviewers for The Mental Health Clinician in 2022 and congratulations to our Outstanding and Trusted Peer Reviewers!

MHC Outstanding Peer Reviewers

MHC Trusted Peer Reviewers

2022 MHC Editorial Board

Last, but not least, we would like to thank the current MHC editorial board for their tireless efforts in ensuring that we publish quality content. The journal would not be possible without the combined experience and dedication of these editors, and we are indebted to their continued efforts.

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Copyright: © 2023 AAPP. The Mental Health Clinician is a publication of the American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists.