CPNP Announcements
Approximately 1 in 7 CPNP members are pharmacy students. Students play a vital role in the future of CPNP and the future of our profession. The CPNP Student Committee has been working hard to outreach to students by offering:
Student membership
Student chapters
Student-centric programming at the CPNP Annual Meeting
Student Grant
We hope you will share information on these Student Committee initiatives with students you know or work with.
Student Chapters
The neuropsychiatric pharmacy profession is experiencing increased interest by students. CPNP wants to cultivate this growth and enthusiasm and as a result has begun to form student chapters. Did you know CPNP has four active student chapters with more on the way? Our four chapters include Purdue University (chapter advisor Carol Ott), University of Maryland (chapter advisor Raymond Love), Nova Southeastern University (chapter advisor Jose Rey), and Howard University (chapter advisor Valerie Oji).
You and interested students can learn more about student chapter formation at our CPNP Student Hub or by contacting Chair Sarah Grady or Vice Chair Jolene Bostwick for additional information about starting a CPNP student chapter at your university. We even have a downloadable video that highlights the benefits of student involvement in CPNP and in CPNP student chapters. Students or interested faculty advisors can contact Vanessa Wasser at the CPNP office today to request a meeting to discuss the formation of a student chapter at your pharmacy school.
The CPNP Student Hub
In addition to information on the formation of student chapters, the CPNP Student Hub offers numerous resources for students interested in learning more about CPNP and our specialty. Students can view a video about what it means to be a neuropsychiatric pharmacist and download a PowerPoint presentation highlighting our specialty.
Student-Centric Annual Meeting Programming
Students have the opportunity to attend the CPNP Annual Meeting at a discounted rate where, in addition to attending the general sessions, they can also participate in student-centric programming or even present a poster. For the first time, CPNP will be featuring a student/residency director networking session on Sunday, April 29, where students can learn from a panel of directors about the residency process followed by time to network with the programs of interest.
Student Grants
We are pleased to announce the launch of a student grant competition that will support up to 8 complimentary student registrations to the CPNP Annual Meeting. Thanks to the donations of CPNP members, students can apply to receive a grant that covers their registration to the 2012 CPNP Annual Meeting to be held April 29-May 2 in Tampa, Florida.
Free Trial Membership
A free, 6-month trial membership for students can introduce them to the benefits of CPNP membership. Students can learn more about membership benefits and sign up online for their free trial membership.
We thank you advance for circulating this information amongst the students who are interested in our specialty. Our future success depends on us spreading the word about these new opportunities for students within our organization. Please let us know how we can best assist you in sharing the rewarding psychiatric pharmacy profession.
The CPNP Student Committee
The CPNP Research Committee works hard each year to support the approximately 140 scientific posters that are presented at the Annual Meeting. Those posters represent new knowledge that is being created by our membership, and they allow you the opportunity to discuss the projects with people who are currently immersed in the work.
Consider whether one of your projects is ready for presentation at the 2012 CPNP Annual Meeting. The abstract submission center is live, and submissions will be accepted until January 11, 2012. Abstract types include original research, encore presentations, works in progress, innovative practices, and therapeutic case reports. With a unique blend of attendees interested in both research and clinical application, the meeting hosts a diverse blend of posters that cut across work locales.
The strongest posters are recognized by the Research and Practice Awards. CPNP works with 6 of the award finalists to create ACPE-accredited platform presentations based on their posters. It is an exciting aspect of the meeting, and past presentations are still accessible online.
One final aspect of the scientific poster sessions often goes unnoticed. In conjunction with the abstract submission, authors are able to request mentoring assistance. Each year, a number of authors are paired with members whose experience addresses the specific needs of the author. Sometimes mentees have simply wanted a second (or third) pair of eyes to review a paper or drug use evaluation, while others have had more complex questions. Given the diverse CPNP membership, it is likely there is someone who can help with mentoring on most issues. Poster critique, choosing journals for submission, manuscript development revision and submission, data analyses and career advice are a few of the topics CPNP mentors have helped CPNP members with.
Requests for mentoring have come from people of all sorts of backgrounds. Students, residents, fellow, those making career changes, mid-level people, colleagues attempting to begin research are among some of the recipients of the CPNP members' mentorship. Requests for mentorship have come from people who have mentors but find they need help with a particular project. If you are interested in being a mentor, then contact the CPNP office at info@cpnp.org.
Stephen R Saklad, PharmD, BCCP has been announced as the 2012 Judith J. Saklad Memorial Award winner. Dr. Saklad was born in Los Angeles, California. He graduated from Pacific Palisades High School and received his baccalaureate degree in Bacteriology from UCLA. His Doctor of Pharmacy degree was earned at USC in 1978. He did a NIMH fellowship in Psychiatric Pharmacy at the University of Nebraska Medical Center at Omaha in 1978–1979, with Jim Wilson, Pharm.D., BCPP, and joined the faculty of The University of Texas College of Pharmacy in 1979. He has lived in San Antonio, Texas since 1979. He is married and the father of triplet sons.
He was the first clinical pharmacist hired by the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation (now the Texas Department of State Health Services) when he began as Clinical Coordinator at San Antonio State Hospital in 1979.
Dr. Saklad has provided care in a variety of settings and treatment roles at San Antonio State Hospital. He wrote and successfully lobbied for the creation of a clinical research unit at San Antonio State Hospital funded by the Texas Legislature and governed by the College of Pharmacy, Department of Psychiatry and San Antonio State Hospital. He developed the first websites for the University of Texas College of Pharmacy in 1994 and the College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists (CPNP) in 1997. In 2003, he was elected to the Board of Directors of the College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists for a two-year period. He is the Director of the University of Texas Psychiatric Pharmacy Residency Program in San Antonio.
He has published articles and presented to many groups around the country on a variety of pharmacy and mental health related topics. He was the editor of Psychopharmacology Update a newsletter, founded by Frank Tornatore, Pharm.D., from 1998–2002. He has edited two editions of a compendium based upon this newsletter: Psychopharmacology Desktop Reference, published by Manisses Communications Group in 1999 and 2002. He was the first editor of the Journal of the College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists (JCPNP), which began publication as a peer-reviewed online journal in 2002. He is a principal or co-investigator for several studies of the efficacy and adverse effects of Phase II, III, and IV psychotropic agents in schizophrenia, mood disorders, and other serious mental illness, as well as their pharmacokinetics and interactions. He is the Director of UTHSCSA Advanced Pharmacotherapy Research with research facilities located at Laurel Ridge Treatment Center and President of Alamo Superior Research, LLC.
Dr. Saklad has received the following honors and awards:
Presidential Honors Certificate, College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists (2004)
San Antonio State Hospital's "SASH Star" Employee Recognition Award (four times in 1998–2001)
Dean's Advisory Council of The University of Texas College of Pharmacy (1997 - present)
Chancellor's Council, The University of Texas (1997 - present)
University of Texas Presidential Scholarship Committee, The University of Texas (1997 -present)
Listings in Who's Who
Who's Who in America
Who's Who in Science and Engineering
Who's Who Among Young American Professionals
Who's Who of Emerging Leaders in America
Who's Who in the South and Southwest
Who's Who in the Medicine and Healthcare
Harrison Award for Outstanding Performance (Finalist), Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation (1986)
Neill B. Walsdorf Endowed Fellowship Chair in Psychiatric Pharmacy, The University of Texas at Austin (1985-current)
Pharmacy Scholarship, Los Altos Hospital Woman's Auxiliary (1975)
Cum Laude , University of California at Los Angeles (1974)
Honors Program, College of Letters and Science, University of California at Los Angeles (1972–4)
Dean's Honor List, University of California at Los Angeles (1973)
Certificate of Achievement, Competitive Physics Test, American Association of Physics Teachers (1970)
National Merit Scholarship Federation (qualifier) (1969)
One comment made by a colleague in support of Dr. Saklad's nomination for this award:
“Steve is an excellent candidate for the Saklad award. He has mentored many students and residents throughout his career. He has served CPNP in many capacities and has always been actively involved in advancing our specialty. As a preceptor and residency director, Steve has demonstrated professionalism, dedication, modeling a professional practice, and pursuing an evidence-based and technologically advanced practice. He has not only taught students and residents about psychiatric pharmacy practice but also about compassion and excellence. To this day I use Steve's teachings in my own teaching of students and residents and continue to contact him for information and advice. I wish that all psychiatric pharmacists would practice with his commitment and enthusiasm.”
Dr. Saklad will receive this award at the 2012 CPNP Annual Meeting to be held April 29-May 2, 2012 in Tampa, Florida. To learn more about this meeting or to register, please visit cpnp.org/2012.
Every year, CPNP's Residency and New Practitioner Committee asks all Residency Program Directors who have a residency program listed on the CPNP Residency Directory, to complete a brief survey. The purpose of this survey is to gather information which will assist the committee and CPNP in:
Increasing the visibility of postgraduate training in psychiatric/neurologic pharmacy
Increasing the number of psychiatric/neurologic pharmacy specialists completing postgraduate training
Increasing the involvement and participation of residency program directors, trainees, and new practitioners in CPNP
Below is a brief summary of 2011 survey findings:
31 programs (19 in US States, 1 International-Canada) with 87% response rate.
Majority of programs offer 1 or more PGY2 psychiatric pharmacy slots.
Majority of programs are ASHP accredited or are seeking ASHP accreditation. The most common reasons for not obtaining ASHP accreditation include daunting paperwork and/or financial concerns.
The VA or University teaching hospitals serve as the primary practice site for 64% of the programs.
All programs filled their training slots. However, less than a third (30.8%) did so using ASHP's pre-commitment process.
The majority of programs offered a mixture of inpatient and outpatient settings (53.6%), followed by primarily inpatient programs (39.3%).
The attributes considered most valuable when hiring new employees included a PGY2 psychiatric pharmacy residency and BCPP or plans to obtain BCPP.
Detailed summary of survey findings
For the 2011 Residency Program Director Survey, there were 31 distinct residency program directors contacted and 26 responded (87% response rate). The 31 programs represent 19 states in the U.S., and one program in Canada.
From the results of the survey, the current types of programs include:
PGY-1 with emphasis in psychiatry: 8 positions
PGY-2: 30 positions (12 programs have only 1 position available)
Of those completing the survey, there were no responses to MS or PhD program availability
Question 3 inquired about ASHP accreditation status which is depicted in Figure 1.
Of the RPDs that responded 77.8 % intend to remain ASHP-accredited programs. Over 18% (18.5%) wish to become an ASHP-accredited program, and 3.7% (1 program) will be discontinued altogether. Reasons for not seeking ASHP accreditation included:
Paperwork is daunting
Too expensive, and unclear if program funding will continue
The majority of programs offered a mixture of inpatient and outpatient settings (53.6%), followed by primarily inpatient programs (39.3%). No programs were primarily outpatient.
ASHP's pre-commitment process to accept a PGY1 resident into the PGY2 program was utilized in 8 programs (30.8%).
For the 2011–2012 residency year, 100% of respondents filled all of their residency slots.
When asked if they were involved in the hiring of applications for an inpatient/outpatient clinical practice position the following attributes were considered.
Results were similar for hiring a clinical faculty member. Qualifications that the majority of respondents found most desirable were completion of a PGY2 Psychiatric Residency and BCPP or plan to obtain BCPP. Alternatively, a research fellowship was considered desirable for clinical faculty members.
Jennifer Zacher married Kurt on November 11!
Carla Cobb, PharmD, is featured in the November 2011 issue of Pharmacy Today. Read the feature article.
Julie Dopheide was married on November 11!